Corporate and visual Identity

Corporate and visual Identity

Doble M Logo

Logo Doble M / Main version

This is the version of the logo that should be used preferably. Its use is allowed for any type of application. For more complete information on its use, consult the el Corporate Identity Manual.

Logo Doble M / Secondary version

The secondary version of the Logo is exclusively intended for use in social media profiles, and optionally in some advertising formats. For more complete information on its use, consult the Corporate Identity Manual.

Logo Doble M / 20 years anniversary

Logo in its main version of the company’s 20th Anniversary.


Corporate Identity Manual
Corporate Identity Manual (PDF)

Doble M Corporate Presentations
Doble M General Presentation (PDF)

Dossier of Audiovisual Productions (PDF)

Dossier of Web, Streaming, mobile APP´s (PDF)

Dossier of VR and AR Productions (PDF)

Dossier of Design and Assembly of Scenographies (PDF)

Wallpapers Doble M
Wallpapers Doble M